Name: Ashley Salem
Age: 13
Dance Studio: Premiere Dance Center, WA
Why Ashley wants to be a voice for children fighting cancer:

I would love to be an ambassador for Dance Hope Cure because I feel it’s so important for children in the same generation as I to know that they have a support system and people who care about them. Cancer is scary and is something that hits close to home for me. Last year, my uncle got cancer. My friend’s mom had cancer. My best friend had cancer a year after he was born. All different types of cancer. But, everyone feeling the same way. All of them fought the cancer and got out of it. I want to be someone that a child with cancer can lean on and know I will support. My family and I love to donate to these organizations because its so cool with what people like you guys are doing. To be a part of it would be even better because I can represent in my daily life. I know I can spread love and help with these children and cancer.